Zoe is where everything started for MV Boxers. Zoe is our 13 year old retired grandma. She lives in the lap of luxury, spending her days napping on the couch and going for rides in the truck.
Zodiac Gymnema Sylvestre
Zodiac Gymnema Sylvestre
Zodiac Gymnema Sylvestre
Chief is just about the nicest boxer you will ever meet! He is a big ham who loves everyone. His duties now include lounging in the shop and drooling on intruders :)
Smoken Sasha Von MV
Sasha is a very active boxer who loves to roam the farm and go for rides with us everywhere!
Sat'Elit Box Uoula
Yulya is one of the first boxers we imported from Europe and she has made a very big impact on our breeding program.